Date and Time that the security report was generated
Description of the GE Multilin Relay
Equipment Name
Relay Model Number and Firmware Version
Relay Serial Number
Summary of the last time the configuration was changed
Name of settings file
Who loaded the file
When the file was loaded
History of last 10 occurences the configuration was changed
Date and Time of configuration change
Number of settings changed at this time
Method used to change the relay settings
MAC address of computer sending settings
Name of the settings file sent to the relay
The relay status after the settings changes
Detailed description of all changes made to the relay's configuration
Date and Time of configuration change
Describtion of the setting that was changed
Setting value before change was made
Setting value after change was made
Convenient File Format
On-line and off-line copies
Easily zip these reports with other pertinent files such as settings files and fault reports to share with engineers